Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: These 20 toddler learning activities are super fun, getting young children engaged with a hands-on approach.
You are a teacher who is putting together a curriculum for your toddler classroom. Or you are a parent that wants to add some learning to your toddler’s day.
But how?
It’s really much easier than you probably think. You don’t need flashcards. You don’t need fancy materials.
I’ve put together a collection of learning activities that your toddlers will love! And they are learning at the same time!
Activities that are age-appropriate and engage as many senses as possible. These learning activities involve concepts such as shapes, colors, numbers and letters in a fun, playful way. They can be done at home or in a classroom environment, with one child or a group of children.
Easy hands-on fun.
The Best Playful Learning Activities for 2 Year Olds
Touch and explore colors.
Learn about the farm while driving farm vehicles through paint.
Paint pigs (using free printable) using golf balls.
Stamp toys into paint for some fun shape art.
Grab some small brushes and use with paint for a fun process art activity.
Stamp spools into paint on big sheets of paper.
Include a no-mess sensory art activity to your day (free printable).
Drive cars through shaving cream rainbows to make roads.
Paint with fire trucks.
Squeeze paint onto pine cones and strengthen fine motor skills.
Roll a ball through paint.
Learn about the colors of the rainbow while painting on bubble wrap.
Get the hands involved while color mixing.
Learn about the shape of a circle while stamping with a paper tube.
Related: Easy Toddler Process Art Activities
Water Table
Make some alphabet soup using foam letters.
Sort colors in the water table.
Strengthen fine motor skills while using basters with water.
Learn about farm animals while washing them in a water table.
Related: 10 Ways to Have Fun with Water
Sensory Bin
Explore letters in the sensory bin.
Push construction vehicles through kinetic sand.
Put together a flower sensory bin that includes letters.
Scoop and pour colored pasta. (My Bored Toddler)
Make some 2-ingredient (toddler safe) cloud dough. (Happy Hooligans)
Practice pincer grip while transferring rainbow cereal. (The Resourceful Mama)
Related: Big Collection of Sensory Table Activities
Make an alphabet train to put on the wall. (Thriving Home Blog)
Add some fine motor with this ping pong name recognition activity. (Fantastic Fun and Learning)
Press letter stamps into playdough. (This Little Home of Mine)
Wipe letters that have been written on a window. (Busy Toddler)
Put alphabet pieces into a bin of rice. (Autistic Mama)
Related: 16+ Playful Toddler Alphabet Activities
Mix colors while driving cars through rainbows.
Learn what happens when yellow and blue are mixed using paper tubes.
Strengtehn fine motor skills while making rainbow sun catchers.
Go on a toy color scavenger hunt. (Hands On As We Grow)
Create your own color toss activity with bean bags. (Minne-Mama)
Collect leftover paint swatches to make a color book. (Craftulate)
Experiment with colors by painting with cotton balls and clothespins. (Domestic Mommyhood)
Related: How to Teach Colors to Toddlers with 15 Fun Activities
Match numbers using stickers. (Learning 4 Kids)
Add literacy to your day with foam letters.
Put pom poms into numbered ice cream “scoops”. (Happy Tot Shelf)
Work on color skills and numbers with this count and sort posting box. (The Imagination Tree)
Related: 25+ Number Games for Toddlers
Recycle paper tubes for some simple circle shape art.
Work on triangle shape recognition while pressing buttons into playdough.
Invite your toddlers to go on a circle hunt.
Feed the hungry shape monsters. (The Imagination Tree)
Roll the ball on the taped shape. (Hands On As We Grow)
Paint giant shapes on paper. (Happy Toddler Playtime)
Related: 25+ Shapes Activities
Fine Motor
Strengthen fine motor skills with some DIY cardboard beads. (The Imagination Tree)
Press colored tissue paper to a big sheet of contact paper for a fun window display.
String Cheerios on spaghetti. (Juggling with Kids)
Balance dinosaurs (or other toys) on blocks. (Moments Enriched)
Related: 25 Easy Toddler Fine Motor Activities
Make fizzy ice cubes. (Busy Toddler)
Have fun with enormous bubbles! (Happy Hooligans)
Related: 10 Toddler Science Activities that are Full of Fun
Invite your toddlers to make some pumpkin muffins.
Put together a simple chocolate chip banana muffin cooking activity.
Make some applesauce using a steamer – quick and easy!
Related: Cooking With Kids – Easy Recipes
Explore nature with a scavenger hunt. (Childhood 101)
Take a nature walk, notice the birds, and make a bird feeder. (Happy Hooligans)
Related: 15 Nature Activities for Toddlers
Looking for more ideas? Check out these 15 toddler activity packets that I helped create!
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You need to write a book!]
I just did! It includes lesson plans for 20 different themes. It’s on the front page of my blog. But I have more I want to write. 🙂