Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: Explore gravity with these 7 fun preschool science experiments! Activities that include pushing, throwing, and falling – all hands-on and fun!
Have you noticed how preschoolers are fascinated by things that move? Whether it’s pushing, throwing, or falling, they are very into it!
So why not tap into this interest?
Here are 7 fun preschool gravity experiments that you can add to your classroom or home activities, or for weekend fun.
When talking about gravity with preschoolers, we keep it simple.
During our morning meeting or circle time, we demonstrate what happens if we drop an item.
We notice that it went down instead of up.
We can then try a gravity experiment during small groups, noticing that if we alter the movement or materials, things change.
This is basic and yet fascinating for this age group!
15+ Preschool Science Experiments that Explore Gravity
Defy Gravity – This super cool activity is easy to make with paperclips and magnets. (Buggy and Buddy)
Drip Painting – Discover what happens when watercolors are dropped from the top of a vertical surface.
Galaxy in a Bottle – The glitter doesn’t fall down, but instead rises as it settles. Crazy! (One Little Project)
Gravity Splatter Art – What happens when you drop something with paint on it?
Exploring Gravity with a Tube – Why does the position of the tube change the speed of the car? (HOAWG)
Exploring Gravity with Balance – Learn how to make a craft stick stand up right on a chopstick. (Rookie Parenting)
Gravity with a Pendulum – Learn about the forces of motion and gravity by placing paint in swinging pendulum. (Innovation Kids Lab)
Pool Noodle Gravity Play – Explore gravity and slope by making your own pool noodle marble run. (Little Bins for Little Hands)
Ball Dropping Experiment – Drop different types of balls and see which one hits the ground first. (Inspiration Laboratories)
Apple Races – Explore gravity, motion, slopes, and more as they are rolled down plastic rain gutters. (Little Bins for Little Hands)
Water in a Jar Activity – How can you stop water from coming out of a glass when it’s turned upside down? (The Homeschool Scientist)
Bottle Rocket Launch – After making your own bottle rocket, make it launch by pumping air into it. (Science Sparks)
Which One is Heavier – Make your own balance scale and find different objects to weigh. (Go Science Kids)
Parachute Egg Drop Experiment – Learn about gravity and air resistance while dropping an egg using a parachute. (Science Sparks)
Center of Gravity Balancing Activity – This Cat in the Hat inspired activity involves balancing objects on a single point. (Preschool Pool Packets)
Exploring the Effects of Speed – Learn how speed has an effect on the gravitational pull on an object. (JDaniel4’s Mom)
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Hands-On Preschool STEM Activities
Science Activities that Explore Gravity
10 Science Experiments Preschoolers Love
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