Last Updated on December 11, 2022 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: These easy Christmas activities are super simple to put together with minimum prep time so that you can add some easy fun activities last minute before the holidays.
The week before Christmas can be extremely stressful. It’s difficult to plan fun activities while also making time for last minute shopping and family events.
Because of this pressure, we’ve compiled a list of super simple Christmas themed activities that you can add to your home or classroom.
These activities feature materials that you probably already have lying around, and require minimum prep time so you can take some of the pressure off of your busy week!
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Last Minute Easy Christmas Activities for Kids
Cork-Painted Trees – This simple activity involves wine corks, paint and paper. That’s it! (And star stickers, if you want to put on at the top.)
Colorful Star Suncatcher – All you need for this window decoration is contact paper, tissue paper, and the printable star template included.
Painting with Christmas Tree Branches – Snip some small pieces off of your Christmas tree or pine wreath for a nature paintbrush that creates a unique texture. (Toddler At Play)
Christmas Sweater Sticky Wall – Hang contact paper on the wall with the outline of a sweater for toddlers to stick various materials onto the sweater such as sequins, pom-poms, and buttons. (Happy Toddler Playtime)
Hole Punch Tree Counting – To work on hand strength as well as number recognition, have preschoolers hole punch the paper trees according to the number written on the trunk. (The OT Toolbox)
Sweater Collage Craft – Cut colorful paper into sweater shapes for toddlers to collage different textured materials onto. (Fun Learning For Kids)
Lights and Playdough – Utilize those little packs of spare bulbs that come with your Christmas lights by letting preschoolers push them into green playdough, pretending to decorate a tree or a house! (Play Teach Repeat)
Marbled Prints – Provide shaving cream with dots of red and green food coloring for toddlers to swirl together and create a print with paper. Also makes great Christmas cards! (Fun-A-Day)
Gift Bow Graphing – Work on sorting skills by having preschoolers organize bows by color or size. (And Next Comes L)
Christmas Water Sensory Bin – Add green water to your sensory bin along with sequins, glitter, and other wintery items. (Little Bins for Little Hands)
Ornament Scissor Skills – Cut out ornament shapes out of paper, drawing various lines down the middle for preschoolers to practice cutting on. (Toddler At Play)
Duplo Paint Stamping – Use Duplos in paint to stamp Christmas light patterns onto Christmas trees. (Crafts On Sea)
Also … check out our free Christmas templates and use them as color pages!
More winter ideas:
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