Last Updated on October 5, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: Looking for preschool fall songs? This collection is perfect for circle time or whenever you want to add some music to your toddler or preschool classroom!
Thank goodness for music!
Seriously, music can be such an important part of our classroom, as I shared in a recent music and movement video. In that video I shared my beloved music binder that is jam packed with pages of lyrics I have collected the past 20 years.
I have this binder divided by seasons and holidays, making it easier to find them while planning our circle time activities.
And while music is wonderful during circle time, I make sure it’s included in other parts of our day as well.
Today’s collection is jam packed with songs and fingerplays that would be perfect to add to the fall section of your music binder!
I’ve also included free printable props that you can make for your students to hold while singing.
Scroll down to find the free printable cover you can use with your music binder!
Preschool Fall Songs for Circle Time
While searching for songs to add to my music binder, I try to find those that include printable lyrics in a pdf format. Being able to hit the download button and then print the lyrics makes life so much easier. Some, however, are not that easy to print, but I still wanted to include them in this collection in case you’d like to pin and save them.
Fall Playlists
I love using Spotify playlists for our classroom! It makes it so much easier because the app is on my phone and I can easily find what I want by month, season, or theme. You can see all of my playlists here: Big Collection of Toddler and Preschool Songs for the Entire Year
Fall Songs and Fingerplays
We kick off our fall themes learning all about apples and their life cycle! You can see how our classroom was set up for this theme here.
CLICK HERE for free apple props!
The second half of October is pumpkins. You can see our classroom pumpkin activities here.
CLICK HERE for free pumpkin props!
5 Little Pumpkins Jumping on the Bed (Free Props)
We welcome November with leaves (and pinecones, too!). You can see our classroom activities here.
CLICK HERE for free leaf props!
We add spider activities throughout the fall. Check out all these spider activities!
Itsy Bitsy Spider (Free Props)
During the fall we have so many squirrels running around our school’s gardens. What a fun time to learn more about them! Here’s our favorite collection of squirrel activities.
And if you want to add some scarecrows into the mix, here are couple of fun songs:
The last week of October includes a bit of Halloween, but we love to sing these songs throughout October. (Check out these Halloween activities!)
During October we talk a lot about thankfulness and include turkey dinner pretend play in our dramatic play area. You can see how our classroom is set up here.
CLICK HERE for free turkey props!
Collections of Fall Songs
November Songs (Clubbhouse Kids)
A Collection of Turkey Songs from Everything Preschool
Thanksgiving Songs by Mrs. First Grade Class
Thanksgiving Songs, Poems & Fingerplays from Childfun
Thanksgiving Songs and Poems from Kids Activities.
10 Autumn Songs for Preschoolers from Teaching Mama
More music ideas your children will love:
Favorite Songs for 2 Year Olds
FREE Music Notebook Cover
In this video I share how I keep a music notebook in my circle time basket as a reference. Here’s a cute printable that you can download and put in the cover sleeve of your music notebook!
Click on the photo below for the pdf download:
More Song Ideas Using Props From Our Shop
🍎 Fall Activity Plans 🍎
I’ve teamed up with other early childhood teachers and homeschoolers to put together these hands-on fall activity plans for toddlers and preschoolers!
Easy to follow activities that include modifications and adaptations to meet the needs of all learners.
Note: This is a digital product. That means when you make a purchase, you will be emailed a link to the activities.
For more information, click on the graphics below:
Get your FREE circle time planner as a gift when you subscribe to my free weekly newsletters.
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