Last Updated on May 22, 2020 by Sheryl Cooper
Rainbow Process Art with Toddlers
What you will need to paint rainbows:
- Bubble wrap
- Brayers
- Tempera paint
- White paper, cut into arches
Setting up this rainbow activity:
- Place the bubble wrap on a table. I taped ours down so it would not move.
- Pour paint into containers.
- Add brayers to containers.
Invite your toddlers to paint!
Let them roll the various colors of paint onto the bubble wrap. We did not get concerned about it being in “rainbow order”. We simply wanted them to experience using all the rainbow colors.
Have you ever used brayers before?
We’ve had ours for over 15 years, shared by all our classrooms, and they are still good as ever. Toddlers love to roll paint, and it helps strengthen the entire arm.
Make a print.
Once your toddler is finished rolling paint on the bubble wrap, hand him a piece of paper. Show him how to press it onto the painted bubble wrap. Let him pat on top of the paper.
Then, look at the results!
Have your toddler lift the paper from the painted bubble wrap. This is where the “magic” is. When they see what is on the paper, they just might want to do it again!
The result:
This is how the rainbows turned out.
But then I got to looking at the bubble wrap.
I just loved how the bubble wrap looked after being painted, and knew it would look great above our classroom window.
More ideas for toddlers:
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Katie T.
I love this, Sheryl! What a fun way to use bubble wrap, and we have a bunch sitting around that is beckoning to be used!!
Sheryl Cooper
Thank you, Katie! This bubble wrap was given to us by the building’s groundskeeper. Even he knows how much we love it!
Stephanie Schuler
Great lesson plan that costs next to nothing! My husband and I store tons of packing materials, so we might have to dig into our stash this weekend. I bet we would have enough bubble wrap for a few of my preschool classes!
Sheryl Cooper
You are lucky to have all that packing material. Have fun!
Jill Coleman
I love this idea, however I am wondering what type of paint was used on the bubblewrap? I’ve done this before and the tempera paint flaked off and crumbled all over the place. 🙁
Sheryl Cooper
Hi Jill! We used regular tempera paint. I placed it on the wall before it was fully dry, so it did not flake. However, it will probably do so when I take it down. The second piece we painted I let dry completely before trying to put it on the wall and the paint started flaking off so I abandoned that idea.
So pretty!! Thank you for linking up at the Toddler & Preschool Moms Pinning Party!! I will be featuring this post and other rainbow posts tomorrow! 🙂
What a fun project!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
Very cool! Pinning this one. 🙂