Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Sheryl Cooper
When I first started teaching at my current school over 16 years ago, we talked about having an event that would be just for our preschoolers and their dads (or other special person). The first year we had them participate in a Christmas wreath activity, but realized that it really wasn’t interested to many of the dads. (My husband was one of the dads in this group.) I recalled a pumpkin night that our oldest son and my husband did at his preschool years earlier. Our teaching board agreed that this would be a good preschool halloween activity with Dad. It has since become a beloved event every 3rd Wednesday night in October.
The invitation:
We send home an invitation inviting dads to join their preschoolers in our pumpkin carving event. If Dad cannot come, another special someone can join us. We’ve had grandparents, uncles, and other family members and friends come and carve pumpkins with us!
The time:
The event for a hour, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
What to bring:
A pumpkin and carving tools. Some come with the pumpkin already cleaned out, some don’t.
What we provide:
We place large bowls at each table for the pumpkin guts, along with rolls of paper towels and large spoons.
Once the pumpkins are turned into jack-o-lanterns, I take a picture of each child with their dad or other special someone and the jack-0-lantern. This goes in their memory books.
Such a fun event! How to you get your dads involved in preschool events? Please share in the comments section!
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