Last Updated on June 8, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: Put together a fun preschool summer sensory bin that includes shimmery pieces and containers to fill. This is a great way to boost those fine motor skills through play!
Ah, summer. During our last couple of weeks of school, we all have summer on our mind.
After all, we are having fun with our ocean theme, complete with a beach day. This year we actually had summer weather, too! Bonus!
So, when I put together our fun summer sensory bin, I wanted bright, happy, sparkly fun.
They loved it.
Because it contained shiny stuff. Oh, how our preschoolers love anything shiny!
And it included containers with lids. Remember our St. Patrick’s Day sensory bin? Yep, same love. They filled those containers to the top and snapped on the lid. Then, opened the lid and dumped everything out. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
CLICK HERE to find summer fine motor play ideas!
Shimmery Preschool Summer Sensory Bin
What we used:
- Dyed rice – you can see how we do this here: sunflower sensory bin
- Small sparkly objects
- Small containers with lids
Yep! Filling those containers to the top!
If you look back to my sensory bin activities, you will see that many include some sort of container. Toddlers (especially) and preschoolers love to fill containers. If it has a lid, that’s a bonus!
I also think about textures.
Who can resist taking big scoops and slowly sifting it through your fingers?
And dump. But of course! This might be the most favorite part. If you have a child who likes to dump anything, being able to redirect him to an activity like this works wonders.
And that’s it! It really is that simple!
Summer Activity Plans
I’ve teamed up with other early childhood teachers and homeschoolers to put together these hands-on summer activities for toddlers and preschoolers!
Easy to follow plans that include activity modifications and adaptations to meet the needs of all learners.
For more information, click on the graphics below:
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This bin looks like treasure on a beach. My toddler loves shiny things (who doesn’t) and I think she’ll love this. I’m loving your blog!