Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: It’s super easy to put together literacy activities using foam letters. Toddlers and preschoolers love to handle them, and they come in a variety of sizes, making them even more versatile!
I am always looking for ways to expose our toddlers and preschoolers to the alphabet. I want literacy activities that are easy to set up, keep the children engaged, and can meet different levels of learning.
Since I put these types of activities together during our centers time, I also want them to be as child-led as possible.
After finding a nice assortment of literacy activities, I thought I’d share them here with you. After all, I bet you have at least one set of foam letters stashed away somewhere!
These literacy activities would be perfect for home, too!
30+ Literacy Activities Using Foam Letters
I’ve categorized these activities to make it easier to find what you are looking for!
Go fishing for letters and match them to those written on the sidewalk. (I Can Teach My Child)
Water the alphabet garden while noticing what letters each plant starts with. (Toddler Approved)
Go digging for letters in the garden. (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)
(Click here for more outdoor activities.)
With Water
Make some alphabet soup in the water table.
For those of you at home, try this frozen word hunt in the bathtub. (What Do We Do All Day)
Float some alphabet ice boats and rescue the letters as the ice melts. (School Time Snippets)
(Click here for more water activities.)
In the Sensory Table
Put together a toddler ABC sensory table.
Dig for letters in a rice sensory bin. (Powerful Mothering)
(Click here for more sensory table activities.)
At the Table
Add foam letters to a letter box for some fun alphabet learning.
Match foam letters to those written on a piece of paper. (Artsy Momma)
Set up a simple matching upper and lowercase letters activity using a recycled box. (School Time Snippets)
Put together your own easy letter sticker activity – free printable included! (Books and Giggles)
Recycle bottle caps and make your own alphabet match activity. (Learning 4 Kids)
On the Window
Match the letters on the window to the foam letters in the tub. (Busy Toddler)
Decorate the window with an alphabet suncatcher. (Sparkling Buds)
Inside a Busy Bag
All you need are straws and foam letters for a fun ABC busy bag. (The Educator’s Spin On It)
On the Fingers
Wear letters as rings while working on letter recognition. (Books and Giggles)
For Quiet Time
Make an alphabet book that your children can interact with for some calm moments. (And Next Comes L)
Put together an I spy foam book that is perfect for travel or while in a waiting room. (Best Toys 4 Toddlers)
(Click here for more quiet time activities.)
For Name Recognition
Use small foam letters to make name stamps. (My Bored Toddler)
Spell your name with foam letters on a train. (Powerful Mothering)
Use foam letter stickers to make your own name puzzle. (Teach Me Mommy)
(Click here for more name recognition activities.)
With Some Superheroes
Help your Lego superheroes pick out different letters. (Inspiration Laboratories)
Matching Fun
Serve up some (foam) letter cookies for a fun matching activity. (Fantastic Fun and Learning)
Play a Game
Use a die to determine what letter the car will land on. (Fun Learning for Kids)
Glue them on the inside of jar lids and play a letter game. (No Time for Flashcards)
Play an I-spy letter matching game in the sensory table. (Momma’s Fun World)
Trace the letters to make an alphabet game. (Kids Activities Blog)
(Click here for more literacy games.)
Get Moving
Go on a letter scavenger hunt. (Hands On As We Grow)
(Click here for more gross motor activities.)
Build Fine Motor Strength
Smash foam letters into cloud dough. (Life Over C’s)
(Click here for more fine motor activities.)
More literacy ideas:
Teaching the Alphabet to Toddlers and Preschoolers (through Play)
Alphabet Activities Using Foam Letters
27 Awesome Ways to Teach the Alphabet
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Hello! Where did you purchase your large foam letters?
Our foam letters were given to us by parents (gently used), but I put a link on my October 23, 2011 post that shows where you can purchase them.
Malia {Playdough to Plato}
Tons of wonderful ways to use foam letters!! Thanks for including our treasure hunt in the lineup. Sharing!
I love these letters! I’m still trying to find the 10/23/11 post and the link to where the letters can be purchased – help!
When you scroll down this post you will see a picture of the floor letter puzzles. These are what we use. Click on the picture and it will take you to the source of where they can be purchased. I hope this helps!