Last Updated on August 11, 2024 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: How do you set up your classroom for the first day of preschool? Here are my tips to get your school year off to a good start!
The first day of preschool is around the corner. You have the keys to your classroom. Then you realize you aren’t quite sure how to get ready for the first day of school. You need tips on setting up the preschool classroom!
Good news! I’ve been taking notes for over 18 years. And now I actually look forward to it!
You’ve seen how we pay attention to detail when setting everything up. I take into consideration how our mornings will go during our 2 year olds’ schedule and our 3 year olds’ schedule. While we don’t put all the same activities and materials out for both classes, they do share the same classroom and I am mindful of that when setting up wall displays and other details.
I thought I’d share with you all how we set up for the first day of our 3 year old class. Anything with smaller pieces is removed for our 2 year old class and replaced with more age-appropriate materials. And teachers, if you have anything else to add that has helped you, please let me know in the comments!
How to Get the Classroom Ready for the First Day of Preschool
Introducing the Teachers
In the hallway, as the preschool families arrive, they can read about their teachers. We keep these up for a few weeks and the children love looking at them. (They can’t believe I was ever that little girl, though!)
Love Notes From Parents
On parent night we hand out pieces of card stock, stickers, and markers. The parents write love notes to their children, wishing them a fun year in preschool, and we read them during snack on the first day. They then get hung over the cubbies in the hallway all year. At the end of the year, these notes are placed in their memory books to take home and cherish forever.
Extra-Clothes Baskets
We keep a gallon sized plastic bag for each child in these baskets all year long. They contain a full set of extra clothing.
Birthday Bulletin Boards
The first week of school each child in both classes decorates a birthday crown. The bulletin board starts off blank but will soon be filled with crowns.
Every child in our preschool has a cubby in the hallway for parents to check each day. We use these cubbies for parent communication and work that was done by the children. The 3 year old class also has a set of cubbies inside the classroom, next to the writing area, to put any immediate work they’ve done (that doesn’t need to dry) into. This is just one of the many ways we work on name recognition.
The tops of shelves and cabinets are nice for displays. We love to display natural materials and also a variety of textures.
We start our day in both classes with free-choice centers time.
Puzzles and Manipulatives
The classroom is now ready for the first day of preschool. Just add children!
You can find more of my First Day of Preschool photos from different years here:
First Day in the Toddler Classroom
Watch my videos where I share how I set up my classroom for the first day of school:
Back to School Classroom Set-Up Videos
More back to school ideas:
Back to School Activities for Preschool Teachers
Toddler and Preschool Activity Plans
Looking for an entire year’s worth of learning activities? We’ve done the work for you!
I have helped create each of these packets, along with a team of talented educators and homeschoolers.
Easy to follow activity plans include activity modifications and adaptations to meet the needs of all learners.
Every theme comes with recommended reading lists, songs, material lists, and more.
Click on the graphics below for more details.
Toddlers (18 – 36 months):
Preschool (3 – 5 Years):
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Can you tell me about the line from left to right on the sign in page. I see that there are names on the left, what’s on the right? Thanks- I love your ideas…
Their names are on the left, as you notice, and to the right is an empty column. For now, they are touching the pencil on their name and drawing a line to the right. Eventually, they will start writing their name in this space. (Actually, we already have one who is doing that.)
Sounds like a great start to the year.
nice to see kids are engaged with activities.. nice clicks!!
cool math 4 kids
I have been looking at lot of different sites for good information… But I have found in your blog…& I’ve gain knowledge and good information from your post thanks.
Thank you so much!
Here good and nice kids playing ideas shared by you. Thanks a lot for sharing.
My first day today…14 threes…..did the same thing…. Simple day introducing them to the school….like your cup painting…will do that on day 2….when it dawns on them that this will happen again! Got to love those threes!
They really love doing the same thing a few times! Familiarity plus it give them a chance to define some skills.