Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Sheryl Cooper
Inside: Circle time songs can play a big role in preschool learning. They teach important concepts, build language and social skills, and can have a calming affect with energetic children.
Music is a big part of our toddler and preschool day.
We use music to help us through transitions, while walking to and from the gym and outdoors, and when say goodbye.
Music is also an important part of our circle times, where we learn new concepts, build language skills, work on following directions, and simply have fun!

I received a complimentary copy of The Seasons children’s music CD by Nancy Kopman. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.
How to Use Circle Time Songs as Learning Activities
There are some important things to think about when choosing songs for toddlers and preschoolers.
I like to choose songs that are interactive.
Songs that get the hands clapping, the feet stomping, the head moving.
I love to build skills such as counting, identifying colors, learning about parts of the body.
👉 Scroll down to find other circle time resources!
“Before you pick the songs, keep in mind that your child benefits from doing more than just listening,” explains Lili Levinowitz, cofounder of Music Together. “The get the full benefits of music, children need to sing, clap, and dance along with the tunes.” (You can read more of this article here.)
My gift to you! Download this free cover to use with your music binder!
Clap Your Hands
When I received a copy of The Seasons, a children’s CD by Nancy Kopman, I listened to all the songs while planning my toddler and preschool circle times. The first song on playlist, Clap Your Hands, was the perfect example of what I am looking for with these age groups.
Everybody clap your hands.
Everybody go peek-a-boo.
Everybody go side to side.
Everybody go 1, 2, 3.
You can get an idea of how this song works in the video below. As you can see, even young toddlers have fun getting involved!
This was another favorite during our circle time:
Here is one more:
I would definitely recommend The Seasons for teachers, caregivers, parents, grandparents – anyone who spends time with young children!
Click on the songs below to listen and download:
You can learn more about Music with Nancy on YouTube, iTunes, her website, or Facebook.
Don’t forget to put together a music playlist that you can find quickly!
I’ve created playlists on Spotify for the entire school year, and you can find them all in this post:
More circle time ideas:
Christmas-Themed Circle Time Activities
Ideas for a Preschool Morning Meeting
How to Manage Show and Tell at Circle Time
Brilliant Circle Time Strategies When Kids Can’t Sit Still
More music ideas for toddlers and preschoolers:
The Best Preschool Music for Energetic Kids
25+ Music and Movement Activities
Song and Rhyme Props!
Keep your toddlers and preschoolers engaged with props to favorite songs and rhymes!
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Incorporating movement into all of our songs in a must for young learners. It helps with memory and making connections to actions. You can always take a classic song and change it by saying “Lets sing it fast, sing it like a tiger, or sing it with no words and just moving our mouths. Here is my list of action songs great for circle time – which we do outdoors as well:
* Coconut Soap
* Shake Your Sillies Out
* Tufa Tafa
* Pinocchio
* I Can Do It